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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here are a few pictures that kind of highlight our year. We've
had a good year with lots of fun and challenges. We look forward to
2010 and the blessings it will hold.
This one of the pictures Morgan used in her Reflections
Program entry. The theme was Beauty Is... and she chose childhood.

Yes, Tater is being held down against his will. Happens all the time.
I don't know what Grace ate but it sure was pink.

One September 30th, Ashlynn fell off the monkey bars at a
neighborhood park and broke both bones in her arm, just
below the wrist(towards the elbow). We had to
take her to Primary Children's Hospital where they
put her to sleep and mangeled her arm(to get it back in place) in such a way
that I thought it looked just like Harry Potter when his arm was boneless. After
five weeks in a cast she is as good as new. She was such a trooper and
didn't shed one tear. I think she was in shock and couldn't cry. But I always knew
it would be Ashlynn who would have the first broken limb.
Sorry don't know how to rotate picture

We went to a Real Soccer game and it was awesome.
Now they are the champs and what a final game it was.
Jack went to a candy factory at the end of last school year.
It was fun and he looked so cute in his net cap.

Morgan was taking pictures for a reflections program at school
and told Ashlynn to pose and this is what she gave her.
We decided not to use this picture but regardless, Morgan won 3rd place in
Photography for her age group.
Again don't like to post. Thus the lack of knowledge on how to turn pics.
Our dog Tater Tot has gotten big and is the heart of the home.
Yes, I think he gets more attention than me. He is a trooper
with all the handeling he gets

We had fun at Taylorsville Dayzz and their carvinal.
We went crazy on the rides and had a blast.

We got a new front door. Yeah! Our old one was horrible and
this one is so nice and quiet.

Morgan is modeling with Mrs. Potato Head earings
Isn't she beautiful?

I found an extra toy floating in the tub. It was so
cute and lifelike that I decided to take a picture of it.

This is one of Ashlynn's pictures we took to put on her
baptism invitation. Isn't she cute?

So can you tell I don't enjoy blogging? We don't do anything to exciting around here so I guess I think that nothing in my life is blog worthy. It's probably been over a year since I last blogged so there is quite a bit to catch up on. I started online classes at SLCC in August. I took Math (the easiest one) and History. I am taking both finals this week. Wish me luck. I have enjoyed making my brain work and it has been nice to have something to take me away from every day life. I did have a job working for the Health Dept as a breastfeeding counselor but that only lasted a couple of months due to the fact that they could only offer me 3-4 hours a week and at bad hours. So I got a job at a grocery store (Macey's) and so far I really like it. It's work. They have also cut back hours due to the economy as well. But it's all good.


Kelli said...

so nice to see new pictures! Your kids are getting so big. I miss you all so much! Nice new door! Its so pretty.

MamaBug said...

It's great to see you blogging...even if it is once in a blue moon. :D