OK--So here goes....It is after midnight, technically Sunday morning, and I cannot sleep. I
desperately miss my wife. She is in Arizona for Erin's wedding, and I have been at home with the kids and finishing up my homework and finals for the semester. I REALLY miss her!
I know I tell her how much I love her, but I don't know that I can truly express how much that is. Dana is my center--everything revolves around her. I think of her when I have nothing to think about. I think of her when I
should be thinking about something else. She has no clue how much I think of her...
Our children are the greatest. Aside from the few and very standard issues, our kids are angels. They listen, they obey, and they have fun. I have realized how special they are and how lucky I am over the last few days...What a blessing my children are in my life.
Morgan is almost 9, and she acts 19. She wants to be a grown up so badly. She is a wonderful helper with baby Grace. Always willing to pick her up and change a diaper or feed her some cereal. She's incredible.
Ashlynn is almost 7, and cannot wait to go back to Lagoon. She wants to go on Colossus again. I think I was 13 before I was brave enough to go on that ride.
Ashaboo has a stubborn streak, and she can defy anyone she wishes...but we do love her. She is a strong spirit with the mind of a champion.
Jack is 3 and 1/2 and loves to play soccer. He loves the running and kicking and even makes goals--for both teams!! We would spend all day playing the
Wii if we would let him. He is a joker and a tease. But what would you expect with 3 sisters?
Gracie is an angel. I will tell you she has her moments--and what moments they are! But she melts my heart when she screams for me as I come through the door from work. Her slobbery kisses and wet hugs make my day.
These enormous blessings are made possible by my loving wife. Without her I would be alone and empty. But with her, I am whole.