NDF Family

NDF Family

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Am I Blessed or What?

So I just got back from Erin's wedding last night very late and my husband tells me that he created a blog spot for our family while I was away. I didn't read it last night and he calls me this morning to see if I've looked at it already. So here I am just now reading it and oh my gosh! Nathan, you are the most wonderful man, husband, father, lover and writer. Thank you so much for your sweet words. I have been trying to describe our children in a way that would make their bad sides and good sound wonderful and you hit the nail on the head. I know how much you love me and I agree that there is no earthly words to express the ever present swelling up in my heart. You cannot possibly love me as much as I do you. To have you take care of our kids and schedule my flight for as late as possible to give me more time with my family has made me love you even more. Thank you babe for this weekend. It meant the world to me.

Now that the boobing is over I have to tell about my weekend. It was so much fun, so spiritual, so revitalizing, and just perfect. The night at the temple with Kelli is one I will never forget. Mari and I did a few initiories at the same time that Kelli was getting hers and to be able to hear the same things she was hearing was so precious. Then to see that sweet girl in her temple clothes and to be with all of the family in the celestial room was well, heavenly. The best was when we were done and were outside the temple and us five girls took a picture holding our recommends, mom yelled out, "Signed, sealed and delivered, I'm done!" It was great.

Kami and I got up at 4 am to do Erin's hair. It was fun and turned out beautiful. Erin and Kyle's wedding was the shortest one I have witnessed but the spirit in the room was almost too much to bear. The Lord knew that all they needed was to be sealed and get on with their lives. The reception was incredible. Mom went overboard, but it was so beautiful.

Sunday was great because we had nothing to do but sit and talk and relax our sore muscles from the day before. Sunday night the girls got together, Mari, me, Kami, Kelli and Talia and we kind of regressed back to being 14 but we had the best night ever. The details may scare loved ones away so girls we will keep them to ourselves. We are forever sisters and yes Talia you are one of the sisters. And forever goofballs.

Monday was a little crazy trying to get it all packed up and say goodbye but it was not sad because our baby sister is giving us the greatest gift of getting back together again in 6 weeks. Thank you Kelli and Patrick. I can't wait to see everyone again and wish with all my heart that we could get together this often.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Family

OK--So here goes....It is after midnight, technically Sunday morning, and I cannot sleep. I desperately miss my wife. She is in Arizona for Erin's wedding, and I have been at home with the kids and finishing up my homework and finals for the semester. I REALLY miss her!

I know I tell her how much I love her, but I don't know that I can truly express how much that is. Dana is my center--everything revolves around her. I think of her when I have nothing to think about. I think of her when I should be thinking about something else. She has no clue how much I think of her...

Our children are the greatest. Aside from the few and very standard issues, our kids are angels. They listen, they obey, and they have fun. I have realized how special they are and how lucky I am over the last few days...What a blessing my children are in my life.

Morgan is almost 9, and she acts 19. She wants to be a grown up so badly. She is a wonderful helper with baby Grace. Always willing to pick her up and change a diaper or feed her some cereal. She's incredible.

Ashlynn is almost 7, and cannot wait to go back to Lagoon. She wants to go on Colossus again. I think I was 13 before I was brave enough to go on that ride. Ashaboo has a stubborn streak, and she can defy anyone she wishes...but we do love her. She is a strong spirit with the mind of a champion.

Jack is 3 and 1/2 and loves to play soccer. He loves the running and kicking and even makes goals--for both teams!! We would spend all day playing the Wii if we would let him. He is a joker and a tease. But what would you expect with 3 sisters?

Gracie is an angel. I will tell you she has her moments--and what moments they are! But she melts my heart when she screams for me as I come through the door from work. Her slobbery kisses and wet hugs make my day.

These enormous blessings are made possible by my loving wife. Without her I would be alone and empty. But with her, I am whole.